ADIG presents a Cabernet Sauvignon / Merlot vinification scheme. The protocol was developed with the purpose of fully extracting variety’s and region’s characteristics. It is suitable for grapes of average and good ripeness, without any wood contact.
SO2: Bactol Р - 10 g/hL
Accepting the grapesSortingShelling without squashingFilling the container |
It is advisable to make double sorting in order to remove grains in poor condition and residues from the vine. Do the shelling at a minimum speed. Bactol Р: potassium metabisulphite Depectil Extraction: pectolytic enzyme for the extraction of cellular content from the grape |
Tannins: VYTANIL VR - 10 g/hl
Activator: ACTIFERM 1 - 10g/ hL
Activator: ACTIFERM 2 - 10 g/hL
Tannin SUBLITAN VINIF - 10 g/hL
Maceration and fermentationAffusion /immersion/ delestage:
Do maceration with the skins in the course of 3-4 days at 10-12° С with 3 immersions a day, protect from oxidation with dry ice. Do 2 delestages: 1 at 1070 and 1 at about 1050. Avoid movement in the alcohol phase. Do not do more than two affusions/immersions a day. Vytanil VR: quebracho condensed tannin. Yeast С.O. Fruity / Primier /LB rouge: yeast for red fruity wines. Actiferm 1-2: complex activator for yeast Sublitan vinif: combination of tannins based on grape tannin |
Output - 60% | ||
Clarifier for press wine: PRZ Ultra - 20 g/hL
LAB: Vitilactic F - 1g/hl
Bacteria activator: Malovit - 20 g/hl
Separating press wine from musts wineMalolactic fermentation |
It is advisable to store musts wine and press wine separately and to determine when and in what proportion to blend them. Vitilactic F: lactic acid bacteria Malovit: food for lactic acid bacteria |
SO2: Bactol Р - 10 g/hl
Tannins: TANIREZEN - 1- 2 g/hL - |
DecantationStorage |
Do slight aeration. Tanirezen: pure tannin from grape skins |
Crystalline / Ovocol / Aquacol / Calizol |
ClarificationControl of free SO2 |
Clarifier‘s dosage and type to be determined after degustation and laboratory testing. |
Any additional processing of the wine to be determined after visiting and testing. For more information, please contact us. |
DecantationFilteringBottling |
Wine should be stored in tanks full to the brim. Monthly SO2 control. Resulphating till the desired level of free SO2 is reached: 3 weeks before bottling. |
Information described above corresponds to our current knowledge. It is given without commitment or guarantee in cases where the conditions of use are beyond our control. It does not relieve users from complying with the law and the safety precautions that are in force.