ADIG presents a scheme for the preparation of ferment for the renewing of suspended fermentation.
Ferment volume: - , Vitilevyur DV10 - |
1) Yeast rehydration (duration: 20 min. ):
2) Reseeding (duration: 6-12 hours): Blend the following :
Homogenize the mixture carefully and measure initial relative density (in fact, ferment’s activity will be evaluated based on it). It must not be allowed to fall below 1005. Maintain t = 20°C As soon as density reaches 1010, move to adaptation phase. |
3) Adaptation to alcohol (duration 48-72 hours) : : Blend the following:
Homogenize the mixture carefully and measure initial relative density. Maintain t= 20°C Stir every morning and evening to create aeration and measure relative density. Density decrease at full activity should be 6-12 units a day. Ferment must stay “sweet” throughout its preparation (d > 1005). Move to seeding phase upon reaching density of 1005 - 1010 and after microscopic observation. |
4) Seeding in the tank: with the obtained ferment from phase 3 (10% or ), seed wine (= ) by:
Important: In this stage the environment lacks nutrients and it is therefore recommendable to add 20 g/hl of Compose phosphate (or other nutrition). |
Information described above corresponds to our current knowledge. It is given without commitment or guarantee in cases where the conditions of use are beyond our control. It does not relieve users from complying with the law and the safety precautions that are in force.